Equestrian Skijoring – This was my first time ever seeing a skijoring event, what a blast! If you have never heard of this extreme sport, Equestrian Skijoring is a team effort consisting of a horse, a rider, and a skier (or snowboarder). The rider controls the horse as he gallops down the track and the person on skis holds only a tow rope (no poles) while navigating a series of jumps and gates. The skier must finish in an upright position and on at least one ski and with the rope in hand when crossing the finish line. I’m going through all of the photos now, but wanted to show a series of shots showing what a typical run looks like. There were approximately 30+ teams running, a huge crowd cheering everyone on, and a bunch of other photographers all enjoying this awesome winter event. Skijor Skowhegan – Northeast’s Equestrian Skijoring Regionals in Skowhegan, Maine were held February 26, 2022 at the Skowhegan, Maine Fairgrounds. Fast horses teamed up with brave alpine skiers and snowboarders all competing on a 1,000-foot track of jumps and gates. Crazy fun!!! I loved it!

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