“Tall Tails” – Never did I ever think I would end up on a lobster boat 10 miles out in the cold waters of the Atlantic, in January!! I had an amazing experience capturing a day in the life of Cheri Savage, Relief Captain and Sternwoman of a 40’ Wayne Beal F/V named “Tall Tails”. Her and Captain Ryan, lobster fish off Spruce Head Island and own Metinic Island and they are two of the hardest workers I have ever met. Braving the cold, long and sometimes dangerous days, all for the love of it. Cheri will be featured in a book coming out this summer Pretty Rugged – Book by Author Ali Farrell which “dives into the gritty lives of females in the commercial fishing industry”…Cheri is the epitome of the title. It was an honor to capture her images for the book to help share her story and provide her with some great memories to hold onto. Here are a few favorites from the day…

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